At Rebel Belle London We're Not Just Good At Financial Strategy At Rebel Belle London We're Not Just Good At Financial Strategy


We are a video production house based in London, with offices in Spain and Germany! If your channel doesn’t have a team to spare or if it’s just not economic for you to send down your own team to cover events, concerts, social affairs and lifestyle happenings for your news bulletin or magazine programme, or to get that all important interview with a certain celeb/personality or film star visiting the Costa del Sol, you should be using us to create content for you locally in London or in Southern Spain, without your channel necessarily incurring those hefty hotel bills and other expenses.

‘Branding is Everything’ in modern times, say the marketing experts and video production plays a huge part in this! Why be ‘faceless’ in black & white with text copy, when you can market your business and its services, display your company philosophy, fulfill your social media requirements, cover a company event, communicate internally and even educate, entertain AND create commercial awareness through the visual medium of video or short film, created to broadcasting standards!
The figures show clearly that around 73% of people would rather watch a video than read text in a pamphlet that’s easily disposed of. Use your branding assets to drive home your message and promote your business in visual format, which impression is proven to last much longer on a subliminal level than anything ever read in printed format!

At Rebel Belle London, we can help you enhance your business presence with a new tool, in a dynamic format that always delivers: whether on-line on your website, through the various social media platforms or indeed YouTube/Vimeo, amongst many others! We provide concept creation, script structure, production, direction, filming/editing and will guide you and your staff through the process as a one-stop-shop!
Our services range from professional presentation by TV presenters for a more personal touch, right through to motion graphics and animation to give your business and its message that extra fire-power to impress and stand out from the rest! We work with a highly regarded and specially selected team of professionals (from scriptwriters, directors, presenters & voice-over artists, camera operators & editors to graphics & motion graphic designers, stylists and make-up artists), assuring YOU that the video that will be created for you is EXACTLY what you want!

Now to the question: What kind of video should you make?

Place your curser or click on the boxes below to read about our 5 best-selling products on the flip side:




Introduce your product or service with impact and show your customer or potential client how it works, at the same time create awareness of the qualities you’re offering and that make you stand out!


Take down barriers! Show your premises and introduce key staff to invite the viewer or potential client into your environment, so that they can feel at ease when approaching you!


Make use of the opportunity when a customer or client is waiting to be seen to educate them further about your services and what else you have to offer!


Use the power of a satisfied customer to attract more business, either separately or in an integrated format! Nothing is as convincing as a real person telling their story and how they solved their problem, which your client might relate to!

Whatever your budget, we will work with you to create the right video product for your needs in an easy, cost-effective way!
Have a look at what other businesses have done with video to boost their image, sales and client base:

The Perfect Crime is a modern, immersive escape game. It was paramount for the creators to put across all aspects of this theatrical, action-packed experience, without giving away too many clues, placing the audience at the centre of the story. We needed to portray all of the excitement at the various stages of the show, without it looking staged (which is why it feels real), quite apart from an enticing, fast paced editing style, to create the kind of product appeal that makes the viewer go and book tickets straight away.

During the shoot, a set-photographer shot stills and vertical clips for Social Media, with the result of creating a huge offering of hilarious reality-like visuals, providing the client with an image/footage library for many months of postings to come.

The Marbella Awards celebrate the achievements of the business community on the Costa del Sol – covering this event, the client wanted glamour, a sense of occasion, the Costa’s famous faces and a breezy edit to show just how much fun all guests had that night, whether they had won or not! Hosted by ‘Marbella Rocks’, the Costa del Sol’s most popular lifestyle magazine, it was paramount to match the publication’s editing style and at the same time do justice to the social aspect of this much-loved gala evening.

Within the editing package we included a mini-clip, given to the winner of each category, accepting their award – at around 35 sec, this is a powerful PR tool for their websites, youtube and all social media requirements! That way, Marbella Rocks set the standard and made history as this kind of product has never been issued before. Needless to say: client happy, we’re happy!

For this product, an INFORMATION VIDEO of THE lifestyle hotel in the Austrian Alps, it was important to portray the essence & philosophy of this extraordinary establishment: combining history and tradition with a contemporary and modern outlook, not only in interior design, but also for the next generation leading the hotel. This has been achieved through an intuitive storyline and script writing, as well as an exciting editing style and subtle visual ‘tricks’, leading the viewer through the hotel by taking a day’s ‘mini-break’! A fully rounded product, including the lower 3rd text sliding onto screen with the brand’s own logo, with a female voice-over to balance out the male presenter’s voice – the TV quality makes the client and their brand stand out amongst the competition for miles!

Here too, the package included a mini-clip offer: 12 to be precise, one to be sent out on social media for each month of the year shot at different locations throughout the establishment, featuring a shortened animated intro and closing page with a recorded Call-To-Action statement! With a running time of between 40-50secs, this super professional product proved to be part of a very successful concept for the hotel, keeping their social media messaging fresh on a monthly basis.

For this video of an open air charity gala, we needed to consider many sentiments, apart from the brief: to create a highly polished and professional recording for the organisers, as well as considering the PR aspect of it becoming a business tool too to attract more sponsors for the following edition of this annual event. We used a very film-like camera and edited in motion picture style in order to compress a 4 hour long show into 6 minutes, trying to create a perfect encapsulation of the event, if that was ever possible. We’re very happy to report that the client is so pleased with the outcome, that they’re considering a print run for resale on top of the original brief!

This INFOMERCIAL was filmed for a natural and holistic skincare brand, wanting to add a more personal touch by using the presenter for a personal assessment and consultation in order to determine her dosha. What needed to be put across was not just the incredible knowledge of SAMAYA Ayurveda’s founder about dosha’s as a character typification, but also the reasoning behind choosing the ingredients per dosha range in order to balance the person’s energies as best as possible. Included in the package were client testimonials and mini-clips to furnish their website and to be used for social media posts.

Changing the lead at the helm of this international engineering firm to the next generation, this video was created completely silent (no background music as technical ambience needs to stay professional), showing clearly, that this implies fresh blood in top management, progress in development & new directions. Images needed to be as sharp & classy as a Vogue shoot, which once achieved, the client was incredibly happy with, stating that this would give the business as ‘completely new angle’! Mini clips were also created for the website, social media and ‘Industry Update’ newsletters.

Whilst not all segments ended up in the final cut, separate mini-clips were created in order to feed monthly social media posts and mailings, giving posts a fresh feel by the inclusion of filmed content.

We filmed this PRODUCT INFORMATION video for one of the UK’s leading aesthetic clinics as part of a whole series of videos (classed into various topics). This highly polished video product includes comment boxes and a PATIENT’S TESTIMONIAL, highlighting what dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections are all about! It’s excellent for showing on screens throughout the clinic’s various practices, conferences and in consultations, as well as promoting the clinic on youtube and all other social media platforms!

This PRODUCT INFORMATION video explains all about a new discount card concept, which launched in Marbella/Spain, and has since been rolled out european-wide! It was important for the client to put across the character of the card’s original launch location to highlight the luxury lifestyle concept aimed at the card’s associates and its user base!

We created a SERVICE INFORMATION video, such as this one, on behalf of a medical professional in order to explain and promote some of his most carried out surgical procedures and questions posed – but with a personal touch! Apart from the use for social media platforms and consultations, his practice also made use of this video by LAUNCHING a brand new laser machine, promoting the latest investment by his practice.

We have created a range of SERVICE INFORMATION VIDEOS for several hospitals belonging to the prestigious quirónsalud hospital group, one of the biggest healthcare providers in Europe – this example is about their hospital in Málaga! Extensive scripts with detailed information have been created for each of the hospitals to highlight the strengths of the respective establishment in order to attract more English-speaking foreign patients to the Costa del Sol. The product also features transcript for clarity, which can be used for other languages as well – in this case, the client decided for Russian!

Using the SERVICE INFORMATION video concept, for this set of 6 videos averaging between 4 -7 minute, we created a separate video of each segment/topic filmed, regarding a resident professional/doctor, who provides a specific service within the organisation. The video structure allows for image pages and text statements to support the spoken word, which makes this a properly rounded product. The organisation’s branding supports the professional’s address graphically, underlining the message that is being put across by the associate on behalf of the main company in the first place.

When waiting for their next appointment, clients or patients are receptive to taking in information. This WAITING ROOM video was created for exactly such a purpose, highlighting the clinic’s work ethics and the doctor’s pioneering efforts in their field, including an interview with the head doctor and a PATIENT’S TESTIMONIAL and comment boxes!

When this internationally renowned client of ours doubled the size of his clinic’s premises, we created a VIDEO GUIDE to show the expansion of his operation, guiding his prospective patients/clients through the clinic’s new set-up in no less than 3 different languages. Here’s the English version used for their waiting room, website, conferences and social media platforms.

This is the German version of the same video guide as on the left, to portray not only the vocal skill but the translation aspect of the Voice-Over text as well, creating copy/text in a foreign language, that is similar in time frame to the original one. A third version was recorded in Spanish too. Our office is able to record and edit VOs to filmed footage in several languages including French, Italian, Russian and Cantonese, other than English, German and Spanish.


‘Claudia and her professional team at TA-DAH TV LONDON have made the process of creating our corporate promotional video an absolute joy from start to finish. Her creative guidance has been invaluable to the process from the conceptual kick off meeting through the filming process to the production of the final cut. The level of dynamicity with regards to the whole process is a joy to experience and I very much look forward to working with her on future projects!’
T.J./ CEO Engineering Comp.

‘Rebel Belle London (tv&video) ran a fun shoot day for us (Rogue Productions), which was incredibly well organised by Claudia, considering all the target groups we had to film in a single day. Throughout the editing process, they listened to feedback and were extremely responsive. The final product is a one of a kind promo video!’

D.R./ UK, artistic director
‘Thank you so much for all your hard work and input on a lateral level – we are thrilled with the video, and are delighted with the printed video product.’
P.D./ Spain, company director & charity founder/president
‘We have benefited from Claudia’s professionalism and attention to detail on 3 projects over 5 years so far, and with each production she has raised the bar! This allowed our content to set the standards within our industry with others, keen to try and catch up! Our clients have found the productions extremely informative and easy to watch, often commenting on new shows.’
R.J./ England, medical director
‘We have worked with Claudia Peifer and her team on various occasions, producing video trailers and corporate videos for our clinic. The collaboration has been excellent! Work was without delay and we are very happy with the final results.’
K.K./ Spain, medical director
‘The one-stop offer by Rebel Belle London (tv&video) incorporating the script preparation, complete production and even voice-over recordings has been invaluable to us as a multi-national and mutli-lingual company!’
H.S./ Germany, company director
‘The Sotogrande Charity Gala video is an exceptional production, and a perfect encapsulation of a wonderful evening!’
S.L./ England, Hotelier
‘A thorough preparation programme, as well as briefings via email and telephone, in advance of the shoot allowed us optimum preparation internally ahead of the filming schedule. Working together with Claudia Peifer and her team was extremely professional! The whole process from concept creation right down to shoot days was very well structured, organised and carried out accordingly. The various videos created are exactly what we had envisaged to fulfil our requirements and intended uses – all our departments are very happy with the final results!’
U. & M. G./ Austria, Hoteliers

‘We had an awards ceremony in Marbella and enlisted the services of Claudia Peifer and her team at RBL (TV&video). They were absolutely fantastic and did a great job from start to finish. We would definitely use them again. Utter professionals!’

S.N./ magazine editor & awards organiser

Interested? Get in touch with Claudia Peifer to chat through your requirements and see what video can do for you!

Rebel Belle London Ltd
Suite 44, Hampstead House
176 Finchley Road
London NW3 6BT - UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 7193 6219